A View from the Nuevo Bridge
What can I say about Ronda? It is so spectacular that I returned for three days in order for my husband to see it with his own eyes. Pictures and words do not do it justice. What is so fantastic about this village that words fail to describe it properly? The sheer panoramic quality of the terrain is unrivaled, in my opinion. I have seen some outstanding areas of natural beauty, all over the world, but Ronda stands alone as a one of a kind mountain retreat.

Moorish influence
There is a a lot of history for the history buff to explore in this village as well. The Moorish influence dating back many centuries is still evident in the remains of the Palacio Del Rey, the palace of the king. The old part of the the city enjoys the first bridges, spanning the gorge, and the remnants of the ancient walled city.
Early Spanish influence is apparent as well, including the original church which is now a museum well worth paying a single euro to enter. Climb the bell tower and enjoy the vistas. There are plenty of other churches to view as well.

There are so many outstanding vistas provided by the city, one outdoing the other with such extreme grandeur that the mind is somewhat boggled by it all. Disney could not have created a better world of make-believe quality than the natural wonders of the geography of the land in this region.

El Poeta de Ronda
We enjoyed the attention of Juan Luis and Miguel at the Poeta de Ronda, a charming hotel, once the home of a Spanish poet. This boutique hotel, offering a unique antique decor, is smack dab in the city center by the new bridge. Not only is the hotel a thing of beauty, especially if you appreciate the feeling of antiquity, but the two gentlemen were as good as it gets when it comes to personal attention and quality care. Always smiling, fussing over the details of breakfast and looking to answer all questions that their guests might have, we felt spoiled.

more of the hotel

Great breakfasts while Miguel waits on the guests with style
Having mentioned many of the outstanding aspects of visiting Ronda, I do want to add that the city has become quite the tourist destination. Now a member of the esteemed UNESCO World Heritage sites, Ronda is on the map and people come from far and wide to visit this remote village.

Captivating gorges!

The new bridge
Do I recommend a visit to Ronda? Yes! We arrived by bus from Malaga and left by train for Granada. Both trips are two hours plus and pass through wildly beautiful and remote regions in the mountains. If you get a chance to visit Ronda, do so, but be prepared to have your heart stolen!
First published April 6, 2013 on Creative Paths to Freedom website